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The Foundation wanted to advance teleportation technology. But what they found was a pathway to a dangerous world beyond our own, and they opened the door to the creatures that inhabit it.

Asymmetric Multiplayer

Matches are played with up to 5 players:
4 Agents vs. 1 Nul creature

Immersive Survival Horror

The Agents and the Nul each have their respective turns to defend and to attack. Will you survive long enough to do both?

Kinetic Motion

Play with true kinetic gameplay, not just joysticks and buttons. Climb ladders, throw traps, pick up and use items all with real life motions.


The development of teleportation technology started as clandestine experiments, but quickly led to the discovery that there is another world beyond our own, the Inverse. Within this world live vile, horrific creatures, and the Foundation’s Agents don’t have much time to stablize the transverse gate before the Nul claims them as victims.

Use the radar to scan for nearby lifeforms, whether they be friend or foe. Activate and throw trap mines to temporarily slow the Nul’s attacks. Unlock the weapons vault to go on the offensive and defeat the Nul.

Revive incapacitated friends with your defib, or find and use a syringe to restore health before you are incapacitated.

Find the terminals and complete the skill checks before the Nul incapacitates you. Once all terminals have been completed, power will be restored to the Facility’s operating systems and the weapons vaults will be unlocked.

Use the weapons in the vaults to hunt the Nul creature and stop it from escaping the confines of the Facility.


The Foundation has opened a path to the Inverse, but with it they have unleashed the Nul, the horrific creatures that occupy the world beyond the gates. As the Nul, stop the Agents from restoring their systems and reopening the transverse gates before they can eliminate you from their world.

Power up your attacks and use your hands to swipe at the Agents to damage their health. Agents will take multiple hits to incapacitate.

Agents will try to slow you down any way they can. Avoid activated trap mines and destroy any locked doors in your path.

Use your supernatural abilities to help in your hunt for the Agents. Each Nul creature has their own abilities to suit different play styles.

Should the Agents find success with the terminals, you must evade their attacks while continuing to incapacitate them until none remain.

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